Plugin summary
CIBPlugin is automatic minecart control plugin for SpigotMC.
You can build a station by using detector rail and any type of sign board.
There will spawn a minecart if you main click the sign, and the minecart will depature to direction in the sign.
To using this plugin
You must have operator permission or cib.stationbuilder to place a sign for a station.
Please place a detector rail and place a sign at 2 blocks above. Then write "[CIB_MC]" in 1st line, and "NORTH", "SOUTH", "EAST", "WEST" (these are depature directions), or "TERMINAL" (for arrival only) in 2nd line, and finish sign placing.
Plugin download
Important notice:
You can edit a sign without break it from Minecraft v1.20. And this specification is not considered in this plugin of version is under 1.2.
Please use the plugin that version is 1.2 and over if you use Spigot v1.20 and over.
Spigot API | ダウンロード |
1.20-R0.1-SNAPSHOT | CIBPlugin-1.2_API1.20.jar |
1.19-R0.1-SNAPSHOT | CIBPlugin-1.1_API1.19.jar |
1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT | CIBPlugin-1.0_API1.18.jar |
Plugin source code
You can get it at GitHub.
About plugin author
Please refer RainyVillage member page, "CIB-MC".
Check how this plugin works by the video
(Content in this video is currently Japanese language only, sorry. We're making content by English now!)